Monday, January 25, 2010


DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST FOLKS!!! I know we're all busy, but there's a ton of reasons why you should never skip breakfast... EVER!

Our bodies don't metabolize very well unless we give them something to metabolize! Eating within an hour of waking up gets our metabolism jump started for the day.

Not only does breakfast get our metabolism started, but it gets us started too! Eating breakfast improves our concentration and performance, two things that are VERY important during the morning rush! It also gives us more strength and endurance for physical acticity.

And to top it all off, eating breakfast helps us not over eat at lunch time. Adding lean proteins and whole grains help even more - egg whites and oatmeal are both filling and guilt free! DROP THAT SPECIAL-K BAR, IT WILL DO MORE HARM THAN GOOD!

So please ya'll, make the time in your morning to eat some freaking BREAKFAST!!!

1 comment:

Staci said...

I am going to keep this in mind, Joey. I NEVER eat breakfast. I just rely on espresso to keep me going through the morning rush. Maybe I would be more efficient during the morning rush if I had breakfast.