Wednesday, February 10, 2010

squeels of joy

Two blogs in one day, NOW WE'RE TALKIN!

I feel like a little kid who is going to Disney Land tomorrow! I can't sleep, I'm too full of excitement! And why all the excitement, you ask? Because I go back to work tomorrow!

Okay, you probably think I'm crazy. And I probably am. But a whole seven days away from work is TORTURE for me! I'm a work-a-holic, and I can't help it. Nothing has ever been given to me, I've had to work hard for everything I have! And I love that feeling. The feeling of accomplishing a goal or getting results. It's so satisfying. I'm addicted to it. I actually prefer being given NOTHING and making it into something great. So I love to work. It's fun. It's challenging at times. It's rewarding.

This really has nothing to do with weight loss (besides the fact that I am going to work hard to achieve the results I want). I just needed to write about how excited I am!!!

Good thing I'm closing, because at this rate there's no way I could wake up early!

Posted from my iPhone.


Staci said...

Yay for you. Look forward to my call tomorrow, because I'm out of decaf espresso.

Beth said...

WOW. We are glad you are back but you need to learn how to take time off and not think about work! Relax. Of course, now that you are back our VIA numbers will sky rocket again :~)